Top Heavy

Charissa Nasrallah Soful
1 min readOct 16, 2023
picture of my kids taken by me at the NYC Museum of Natural History’s Gem Room

Almost everything topples when it’s top heavy.

There is a great deal of this happening already.

Schools, businesses, and organized charities

can’t succeed if all anyone does is “oversee.”

Top heavy organizations should keep in mind

a strong base is key in avoiding capsize.

There can only be so many along for the ride

or it will crush the workers on which they rely.

Too many bosses leads to low productivity

and a lower moral throughout the industry,

since career critics rarely create on their own,

while managing to take the biggest pay home.

If the workers are removed from the revenue

then they won’t really care about what they do.

So fashion your business to have strong supports

and pay people actually preforming the work.

All ecosystems collapse if they are heavy on top.

If consumers outnumber producers things stop,

and there will not be enough sugar to sustain

the heterotrophic organisms in the food chain.

It’s time to emphasize that if we’re to survive

we must honor the autotrophs that keeps us alive.

Being top heavy comes at a price,

there won’t be enough for all to survive.

Remember there is a balance to life

that we must respect and try to do right.



Charissa Nasrallah Soful

I'm a Biology teacher & gardener concerned about the sustainability of humanity.